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Weather Conditions

Weather connects the middle of the country to the oceans

Weather is something that we often take for granted, but it varies greatly from location to location. Here in South Texas, we are accustomed to it being hot and windy. Did you know weather plays a huge part in what pollution is being brought into the ocean? Remember, the ocean is becoming more acidic because of the high amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Just because you do not live on the ocean does not mean your choices do not affect it. By burning fossil fuels, even in the middle of the country, the polluted air moves to the ocean.


We can measure the weather in many ways, but the main ways are: temperature, weather conditions, wind speed, and wind direction. When we monitor these conditions they start to show trends, weather patterns, and how the ocean and weather are connected. For example, in Corpus most of the year our winds blow cool from the southeast. The wind is coming directly off the ocean. However, during a big cold front, the winds blow from the northwest and all the air is blowing past our oil refineries. Even though the wind is cold and feels great, it brings a lot of pollution with it. The pollution can settle onto our local ecosystems like our wetlands. By monitoring weather conditions we can understand weather patterns and how the air and ocean are connected.

Click to Watch Video on Weather Conditions

Map of Data Collection Points

Student Collected Data

Date Time Location Temperature Wind Speed Oustanding Weather Conditions
9-20-22 4:08 5 88 7.7 sunny
9-20-22 4:08 2 88 7.7 sunny
9-20-22 4:10 1 88 7.7 sunny
9-20-22 4:42 3 88 6.7
9-27-22 2:00 3
9/28/2022 7:00 8 77
9/30/2022 12:00 2 84 2.3
9/30/2022 10:08 5 81 61
10/7/2022 2:00 1 cloudy
10/7/2022 2:00 5 1.6 cloudy
10/7/2022 2:00 3 0.6
10/14/2022 11:55 2 84 4.1 partly cloudy
10/14/2022 1:33 1 86 4.2
10/14/2022 1:37 5 86 4.2
10/14/2022 1:56 6
10/20/2022 3:08 7 86.3 4.5
cold front yesterday
10/20/2022 4:18 8 81 4
cold front yesterday
10/20/2022 3:45 9 86 9.8
cold front yesterday
10-25-22 4:23 2 81.9 1.2
11/1/2022 3:30 1 67 3.2
heavy rain storms
11/1/2022 3:30 6 65 3.6
heavy rain storms
11/1/2022 3:30 3 67 1.2 1.2
11-8-2022 4:30 5 81 13.1 Sun
11-8-2022 5:00 3 81 4.7 sun
11/8/2022 4:10 2 81 13.1
raining with rainbow
11/8/2022 4:20 1 81 13.1
raining with rainbow
11/15 4:30 6 59 5.3
cold front just passed through
11/15/2022 4:30 5 59 5.1
cold front just passed through
11/15/2022 4:30 2 59 5.1
cold front just passed through
11/15/2022 5:00 3 58 3.4
cold front just passed through
11/29/2022 3:30 2 78
11/29/2022 3:30 6 78
11/29/2022 4:00 3 78 3.5
12/6/2022 2:47 7 79 9.9 sunny
12/6/2022 4:03 8 73 13.1 sunny
12/6/2022 3:16 9 79 5.8
2/9/2023 1:57 2 74 2.4 overcast
2/21/23 4:33 3 73 14.4 sunny, windy

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