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Dr. Dara Orbach

By February 26, 2023November 9th, 2023No Comments

On February 23, Dr. Dara Orbach spoke to eight classes from three different states on how ocean acidification affects cetaceans (dolphins, whales, and porpoises).  She spoke on her personal journey to become a marine mammal researcher, her current and past research projects, and how students can help cetaceans.

Cetaceans are directly impacted by ocean acidification (OA) for a number of reasons but most notably by reduced foraging opportunities. OA are creating a bottom up problem where small phyto- and zooplankton are disrupted, most notably the sea butterfly.  As a result of both climate change and OA cetaceans are shifting to other feeding grounds, have metabolic disruptions, and possible reproductive stress.

Author kdoyle

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